Create Your Newsletter Online

Easily create your newsletters with CleverReach®

  • Easy to use – no experience required!
  • Free templates – wide range of responsive and seasonal designs
  • Fast and easy designs-process with our drag & drop editor
  • Add dynamic content like RSS content or social media buttons
  • Host and edit your images

1. Select a mailing type that fits your needs

screenshot: Select a mailing type that fits your needs


It’s your choice whether you want to send a plain text campaign or resend a modified copy of one of your mailings. Get even more options with our Flex, Essential or Enterprise plans:

  • Save time and automate your workflow – send automated emails and schedule them to certain events and occasions (e.g. birthdays, new subscriptions to your website, etc.)
  • Measure the performance of your email by sending A/B Testing campaigns and optimize your newsletters by identifying the more successful version.

2. Choose list of recipients and settings

Select and combine lists of recipients and give your newsletter the perfect subject line:

  • Make your customers feel special and spark interest in their minds: create personalized and inspiring subject lines – true to the motto “keep it short and simple”
  • Avoid special characters and capitals to make sure your newsletters don’t end up as spam

3. Everything you need: our free newsletter templates



  • Choose your favorite design from a vast collection of our free templates for every occasion. Our responsive and seasonal designs can easily be customized to your CI. Want to use your own newsletter templates? No problem – simply upload your predesigned content and you’re ready to send!

4. Design your newsletter from scratch with our fantastic drag & drop editor

Create professional and effective newsletter campaigns in the blink of an eye with our intuitive editor. Drag & drop allows you to edit and place your images and content exactly how and where you want them to be! Add dynamic elements and products from your online shop and make your newsletter unique.

Got everything done? Check your work with a virtual preview on different devices (tablet, smartphone, etc.). A design- and spam test shows the correct deliverability and layout of your newsletter for different email clients.


5. Check and send

You are one step away from starting your newsletter campaign. Our checklist shows if you’re all set and ready to let your campaign reach your customers. After sending a test newsletter to your own address and passing a last security check, you can decide whether you want to send your mailing instantly or schedule it to a later point in time.


Email marketing for your business


  • up to 2,500 recipients
  • and send up to 10,000 emails per month for free!

Our Lite Plan has no limited running-term. There is no setup fee and no contractual obligations.

For more emails and features, choose between our Flex, Essential or Enterprise plans. Our price plan calculator will tell you which plan is the best for you!
