Send your newsletter

Easy email marketing for perfect mailing campaigns

screenshot: Easy email marketing for perfect mailing campaigns
  • Connect with your customers and send personalized newsletters
  • Compare different versions of your newsletter with the help of A/B Multivariate Tests and find out what your customers like best
  • We offer additional design and spam tests which you can choose independently from your price plan
  • Test your mailing and send it to your own email address for free
  • Send your newsletter whenever you want – and whenever your customers need them

1. When to send your newsletter

screenshot: When to send your newsletter

Sending your newsletter at exactly the right time has a huge impact on your open and click rates.

But when is the right moment? Whatever you might have heard about the perfect time to send your newsletter – we say, every target group is different and has different needs.

Find out what works for your subscribers by doing an A/B split test and sending your newsletter in different time slots to different recipients and compare the open and click rates.

2. Choosing the right return address

screenshot: Choosing the right return address


Which newsletter is more likely to be opened? The one sent by a generic company title or a real staff member of flesh and blood? Try different senders for your mailings and find out!

But be careful: A specific member of staff might not be recognized by your recipients and considered as spam.

3. Optimize your subject line

screenshot: Optimize your subject line

The subject line gives your recipient a first impression of your newsletter. Numbering your mailings seems to be the most expedient and obvious solution, e.g. “Newsletter 18/2018” – but would this catch your interest?

Make your subject line sound more intriguing, for example “5 ways to optimize your newsletter”. Maybe your customers like it a little fancier: “5 incredible tips for a newsletter no one can resist”.

Vary between the length, personalization, use of key words and special characters in your newsletter.

Although catchy subject lines are great: always stick to the truth and give your subscribers what they can expect from the subject line. Also, don’t use too many special characters as this might make your newsletter seem like spam.

4. The perfect look - our templates

screenshot: The perfect look - our templates

Sometimes there’s love at first sight: Measure how much your customers love your newsletters and look at the click and conversion rates: if they love it, they will click – if they hate it, they will delete.

But how does your newsletter have to look for your customers to fall in love with it?

  • Spiced up with loads of images?
  • Classy design with golden letters?

Simply find out and use different templates for your lists of recipients or do an A/B split test to check which version is more successful.


5. Topics, images, buttons: optimize the inner values

Concerning the content, there is also a never-ending list of variables that you can test:

  • How do your customers want to be addressed? More personal with their first name, or reputable with their last name?
  • Test and vary in your elements: change the order and length of your text, images, personalized content and dynamic elements
  • Call to action: How and where should your call to action button be placed and what color should it be? All that can influence your click rate. Find out what works best!

Tip: Only do an A/B split test, if you want to test one variable. Do a multivariate test, if you want to test more than one variable. Before you start, determine what should be optimized: open rates, click rates, conversion rates?

Email marketing for your business

screenshot: E-mail marketing for your business


  • up to 2,500 recipients
  • and send up to 10,000 emails per month for free!

Our Lite Plan has no limited running-term. There is no setup fee and no contractual obligations.

For more emails and features, choose between our Flex, Essential or Enterprise plans. Our price plan calculator will tell you which plan is the best for you!
