The six main functions in detail

Create your newsletter I Manage recipients I Send your newsletter I Reporting & Tracking I Automated mailings I Whitelisting, quality and spam tests

Flexible editor CleverReach®

Create your newsletter

Create your own personalized professional newsletter campaigns using our intuitive editor. Drag and drop images and content to any position you want.

Access our pre-defined templates or upload your own templates and images to use them online.



CleverReach® Manage recipients

Manage recipients

Learn more about your recipients, manage their profiles and analyze their activities. Simply upload your recipient data in a csv or txt file or transfer it from a CRM, shop system or another external system.



CleverReach® Free newsletter software

Send your newsletter

After creating your newsletter there are some things you have to check: Is your mailing displayed correctly in all common email programs and email clients? Is it spam? Do a test delivery before sending your newsletter.


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Automated Mailings

Create automated follow-up emails or lifecycle campaigns tailored to your needs with THEA and our Autoresponder.


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CleverReach® Real Time Reporting

Reporting & Tracking

CleverReach® makes success measurable: Open and click rates of your subscribers show you how well your newsletter has performed.


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screenshot: cleverreach

Whitelisting, quality and spam tests

CleverReach® is a member of the Certified Senders Alliance (CSA) and can be found on the whitelists of the most common internet service providers. This means your newsletters and mailings will definitely reach your subscribers’ inboxes.


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CleverReach® offers numerous integration options and plug-ins for external CRM, CMS or shop systems to reduce manual effort. Interfaces to services such as Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics CRM, Shopware, Magento, Drupal, Eventbrite or Google have already helped thousands of CleverReach® customers.


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CleverReach® Registration/unsubscribe forms

Registration/unsubscribe forms

Create registration and unsubscribe forms for your website. Integrate text fields, a multiple choice selection, checkboxes, dropdown boxes, date/telephone fields, a CAPTCHA request or social media elements. Our forms exclusively use the secure double opt-in process.

A/B and multivariate tests

Optimize your newsletter campaigns with A/B & multivariate tests and send versions with different subjects or content. We automatically send the more successful version using performance-based data.

>> more about A/B tests

Email templates

Don't have a newsletter template yet? No problem! CleverReach® provides a large selection of templates for beginners and professional users. Add your logo, adjust the colors and adapt text and images according to your needs. It's easy!

>> more about templates

Better deliverability

CleverReach® is listed by the Certified Senders Alliance and is therefore on the whitelists of all key internet service providers. All outgoing emails are signed using DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) and SPF (Sender Policy Framework).

>> Read more

Multilingual interface

You can use CleverReach® in many languages (English, Spanish, German, Italian, French, etc.).

Design & spam test

With the design and spam test you can see how your email will be displayed in different email programs, web mailers and smartphones and how spam filters will respond to it.

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Image and template hosting

To use your own templates and images, simply upload them to our server.

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Bounce management

Our automatic bounce management feature eliminates invalid email addresses. Undeliverable emails are detected and categorized as soft or hard bounces.

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Using the blacklist you can exclude certain recipients or complete domains from the mailing.

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Template engine

Create your own templates with our template engine and edit them with our drag & drop editor.

Learn more about the template engine